Rewards of Relationship

Some people don't understand why I am so adamant about my faith. They can't relate to me because to them religion is dry and boring. But, that right there is the difference. Too many people consider the rules of religion, I don't. I have been captivated by the rewards of relationship. See, I don't read and honor the Bible because I am being held hostage by a religion. And, I don't strive to be kind and compassionate because I will lose merits if I don't. I do those things because I caught a glimpse of Jesus Christ. I understand that He loves me more than I deserve. In return, I want to know Him intimately. I want to love what He loves. I want to give my life for His causes. And, I want to serve the people that He created. The Bible teaches that God loves every person on the face of the globe and He wants everyone to know His love and to have a relationship with Him. No one deserves it, but it is available to everyone. It is this relationship that compels me to live differently.

If I live for self-gratification, I would be declaring that I love myself more than I love my God. That is not what I want said about my life.

© 2006 Champion Ministries dba Groundwire