Quran Burning Questions

A few questions that I've been pondering lately, sparked by a Florida pastor's planned Quran-burning Saturday.

  1. Has he ever read it? It's a pretty safe bet he hasn't. I guess we should just vehemently hate it on principle?

  2. How exactly does this reflect the love of Christ? People in pretty much every denomination of every religion think this is a bad idea.

  3. Would we be upset if people in another country burned the Bible? I'm honestly not sure. We'd probably just airmail them some more.

Someone called into K-Love yesterday and shared a wonderful idea his local churches had come up with. They are banding together to send flowers to mosques in their region on September 11. The events of that day have had as much impact on Muslims around the world as it has had on us. A little better example of loving your neighbor, in my opinion.